Merry Christmas From Adam

December 23, 2008

Well, Christmas is here once again and I'd like the opportunity to wish you all the best and thank you for your support in 2008! Your encouragement means much more than you know.

Merry Christmas

As I look ahead into the coming year I’m excited to see where my musical journey will take me. I’m especially looking forward to a CD release. Yes, it really is happening! I’ve got close to half of the album recorded, and I’m planning to post a “teaser” sample clip soon. So, for all of you faithful fans who are patiently waiting, hang in there!

As Christmas nears don’t forget that Jesus is the reason for the season. God bless you all!



2 Responses to “Merry Christmas From Adam”

  1. Janice&Dodie Edwards Says:

    Adam, we are so proud of you, keep up the good work, Love Aunt Janice tell all hello for us.

  2. Janice&Dodie Edwards Says:

    great news

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